Tuesday, 7 July 2015

My Kindergarten Specialist

I am thrilled to be doing my Kindergarten Specialist this summer and very excited the course is running in person at the University of Ottawa again. I took Kindergarten Part II last summer and due to the number of registrants the course was combined with students in Parts 1, 2, and 3. This was an ideal way to learn as we had all come from different backgrounds and knowledge and it gave me the opportunity to find out what assignments were involved in the specialist course. We also have less in-class time and more independent study which is such a wonderful way to learn during the summer !

I knew the Specialist course involved a short presentation on an early childhood researcher as well as a workshop to lead so I already began to brainstorm ideas last summer. I am interested in learning more about the Reggio Emilia Approach and am excited to explore The Hundred Languages of Children and find out what it is all about. At the end of this summer I happen to be traveling through Italy and am hoping to have the opportunity to visit a Reggio Emilia school, to connect with some educators and to experience Reggio first-hand. Besides the Reggio Emilia Approach, I hope to gain practical strategies, new resources, and teaching tips through collaboration and networking with classmates this summer.

Through this course and over the next year I would like to gain more knowledge and strategies on the following topics :

§  The Reggio Emilia Approach
§  Self-regulation and Conscious Discipline strategies
§  The new curriculum expectations and the Four Frames.
§  Organization of assessment, documentation, and evaluation by the Kindergarten Team (English Teacher, French Teacher, ECEs)

I am really looking forward to gaining new insights into these topics and applying new techniques in the classroom next year. I will continue to share my learning journey on this blog and hope to inspire many educators around the globe!